I've created my first website over 24 years ago!
I was UX Team Manager in biggest polish web portal Onet.pl and I was running my software house.
Before I was 20 I've sold my digart.pl site to biggest portal in Poland. This was one of first social websites in Poland.
My goal is to give you and your product unique value that will let your product perform better while having happy customers.
Numbers supports the efficacy of my service!
I am attaching to my projects - especially that I want them to be effective and to develop further. From time to time I'll check them how they are doing, what could be changed, what are observations. I am drawing conclusions from every project.
I am fast, conscientious, on-time - even if that means that I won't be sleeping too much :)
I wrote for
What I do?

User Experience
Mockups and prototypes
I am designing content sites, product sites, webapps, mobile apps and TV apps. I am predicting edge cases and assure great usability.
I do QA and am here for you even after product deployment and I am doing analytics of user behaviour.

User Experience
Analytics and audit
I am installing and configuring analytic tools in such way that gained data answers properly stated questions.
I am doing heuristic analysis and doing audit that not only points issues but more than that proposes exact changes.

Products and services
Product Design
I am connecting product vision with needs of potential clients and users. Basing on research and mutual work I design specific functions and use cases that guarantee that you will get more clients.
My latest accomplishments
Selected projects
You are looking at prototypes screenshots - not final products!

P2P beting service
Product Design & UX design (desktop + mobile)
I have built coherent vision for first international social beting service. I delivered prototype, business model and almost 150-paged documentation for IT team.

Product Design & UX design (desktop + mobile)
For company based in USA I've designed critical functions and designed from the scratch all new UX of their product for network administratos. LogZilla clients are most of all Microsoft, Cisco and Vodafone.

UX design (desktop + mobile)
My task was to propose UX of fashion-related content site. I was also meeting with advertisement network to develop advertisement functions and places that would perform in the best way possible.

And I like going places :)